Find out how much sodium you need and learn how getting too much might affect your health. Are you getting […]
Does coffee offer health benefits?
While past studies hinted that coffee might have a dark side, newer research suggests that it may actually have health […]
Hold the salt to help your heart
The Food and Drug Administration outlined new, voluntary guidelines to lower sodium levels in food. But those with high blood pressure or […]
Triglycerides: Why do they matter?
Triglycerides: Why do they matter? Triglycerides are an important measure of heart health. Here’s why triglycerides matter — and what […]
How does diabetes affect the heart?
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am 42 and recently was diagnosed with diabetes. My doctor said I could manage the condition with […]
Healthy menus and shopping strategies
Looking for ways to make meals healthier yet still enticing? You can plan healthy menus by browsing healthy recipes online […]
The role of cholesterol in heart health
Most people know that high cholesterol is bad for their heart, but few people really understand what cholesterol is. In this Mayo […]
Tips to reduce salt in your diet
Have you set new health goals for the new year? Those with high blood pressure or who are at risk may want […]
Can whole-grain foods lower blood pressure?
Can eating more whole-grain foods help lower blood pressure? Answer From Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. It might. Regularly eating more whole-grain […]
Which spread is better for my heart — butter or margarine?
Margarine often tops butter when it comes to heart health. Margarine is a blend of oils that are mostly unsaturated […]
How cutting calories helps your heart
Obesity is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says cutting calories may help […]
Heart-healthier choices at fast-food restaurants
More than 36 percent of American adults consume fast food on a given day, according to a recent report by the Centers […]