Resveratrol might be key to what could make red wine heart healthy. Learn the facts and hype about red wine […]
High cholesterol
Overview Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood. Your body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells, but high […]
Enlarged heart
Diagnosis To diagnose an enlarged heart, a health care provider will usually do a physical exam and ask questions about […]
10 great health foods
The food you eat every day can make a difference in your health. Diet affects your risk of getting some […]
Vegetarian diet: How to get the best nutrition
A well-planned vegetarian diet is a healthy way to meet your nutritional needs. Find out what you need to know […]
Mayo Clinic Minute: Reversing versus preventing heart disease
Regular exercise, a heart-healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking can help prevent heart disease. But is there anything […]
Trans fat is double trouble for heart health
Trans fat increases your “bad” cholesterol and lowers your “good” cholesterol. Find out more about trans fat and how to […]
Omega-6 fatty acids: Can they cause heart disease?
Omega-6 fatty acids are a type of fat called polyunsaturated fat. Omega-6 fatty acids are in vegetable oils, nuts and […]
Heart failure
Diagnosis To diagnose heart failure, your health care provider examines you and asks questions about your symptoms and medical history. […]
South Beach Diet
Could this low-carb diet give you an edge in losing weight? Help you keep weight off permanently? Here’s what you […]
Heart attack
Overview A heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is severely reduced or blocked. The blockage […]
Mayo Clinic Minute: Does eating red meat affect heart health?
Red meat consumption has long been associated with increased risk of diseases, such as heart attack and stroke. A new study suggests […]